Day: April 29, 2016

Stephen Crivillaro – Bronx Organization for the Learning Disabled

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The Bronx Organization for the Learning Disabled (BOLD) was founded in 1958 by a group of parents with special needs children who were looking for better alternatives for their children’s education. Since that time, with the help of volunteers like Stephen Crivillaro, BOLD enriched the lives of hundreds of children and their families through multiple programs and classes.

Maintaining the respect and dignity of these children was at the heart of the organization’s initiative while optimizing their abilities and helping them learn how to interact with others and develop their skills. The organization offered multiple programs to the community for children between in the ages of three and five to increase a wide range of learning and skill development for preschoolers with learning disabilities. These educational services targeted specific needs and were flexible to work on an individual basis as needed in order for students to get the most of each program. Many of the children who attended BOLD had developmental delays that included one or more of the following: sensory issues, a lack of adaptive or social-emotional development, difficulty with fine or gross motor skills, delayed speech development, cognitive problems.

The teachers who worked at BOLD were trained in each of these areas and are capable of working with children at the appropriate level for them as individuals based on each child’s on learning pace and developmental needs. The programs were centered on improving areas of delay while enhancing and encouraging the strengths of each student. The integration of dance, sensory based activities, music, play, and art create a safe and inspiring environment for children who may need the additional support of well trained staff in order to succeed.

With the help of conscientious parents and the community, children with learning disabilities can be set on the path to success at an early age. Although these children may learn differently or require a teacher who possess a unique skill set, many children with learning disabilities can grow up to be successful adults who are assets to their communities.

Caring volunteers like Stephen Crivillaro are important for the success of institutions such as BOLD. This particular organization recently closed at the dismay of many throughout the community. Parents were forced to look for alternative schools and students who had grown accustomed to the learning environment at BOLD were no longer given the safe and inviting learning environment in which they had thrived. Looking out for organizations like BOLD is important in helping community members reach their full potential and seeing children succeed. Having the support of community members, along with volunteers and monetary donations, helps to ensure organizations like BOLD will continue to offer the highest quality in education for its students and keep its doors open for children in need.
